Tuesday 14 May 2013

Premature Ejaculation - Help is Here

With a little help, premature ejaculation can be overcome. You don't need surgery, or drugs, or desensitizing cream that smells like chemicals and makes you feel even more embarrassed and miserable during sex.
Premature ejaculation has both physical and mental causes. Understanding both aspects of premature ejaculation helps a lot in learning how to rid oneself of it. Trying to cure your premature ejaculation by working on just one or the other means you will be dealing with just half the picture. That can lead to mixed results and a lot of frustration, which can cause you to just give up all together.

Help for Premature Ejaculation: Mind
The mind is truly a very powerful force. It influences every aspect of our bodies, whether consciously or unconsciously (as in, the autonomic nervous system...) The fact is, when we choose to use our mind to influence our body, in processes that otherwise are handled automatically behind the scenes, we can introduce new responses, form new habits, and get improved results. That includes controlling the ejaculation reflex, which helps premature ejaculation.
  • Visualization: Visualize yourself lasting as long as you want during sex. Imagine being able to perform the act without feeling the need to ejaculate.
  • Attitude of Gratitude: Do not think of sex with your partner as an opportunity to "get your rocks off". Let's be honest - you can masturbate to porn if that is all you are interested in. Instead, think about nothing during sex except pleasing your partner. Trust me, if you do that, not only will you last longer, but your partner will be happy to please you back, over and over again. 

Help for Premature Ejaculation: BodyAs powerful as the mind is, ejaculation is a physical process, and the condition of your body, and the organs involved in ejaculation, play a major role in premature ejaculation [http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-last-longer-in-bed-tonight]. If your prostate and PC muscles (pubococcygeus) are weak, then your ability to control ejaculation will also be weak. Other factors, such as healthy diet and plenty of water, also influence a guy's sexual health.
  • Exercise your Ejaculation Muscle: The PC muscles control ejaculation, as well as the flow of urine. You can make these muscles stronger by stopping the flow of urine for a few seconds, then starting again. Repeat that a few times until you finish peeing. Do this a couple of times a day, and increase as the muscles begin to get stronger.
  • Prostate Health: Make sure your prostate is in good shape. This organ is one of the main sex organs involved in ejaculation, and many guys don't even know this, or pay little attention to it. Make sure yours is healthy by getting a good men's vitamin supplement with zinc, saw palmetto, pumpkin seeds, and b-complex (or some combo of these.)
  • Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water is crucial to many things, including healthy ejaculation. It contributes to semen volume, and helps to keep the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract clean and healthy, all very helpful for premature ejaculation.
If you are sick and tired of premature ejaculation, and want to finally get rid of this embarrassing problem without using weird drugs, or funky smelling creams or sprays, then you're in luck. A lot of guys think that premature ejaculation is some kind of huge, insurmountable issue that they just have to live with.
The fact is, it's only as huge as we make it, because most of the problem is mental. In other words, premature ejaculation is exactly as difficult as we think it is - or is not. Sometimes, when we are trying to cure ourselves of premature ejaculation, we think about it way too much in the process, and that just makes it worse instead of better.

Friday 10 May 2013

The Best Ways to Cure Premature Ejaculation

The most common sexual problem in men is premature ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, premature climax, early ejaculation, or by the Latin term ejaculatio praecox. A person is said to suffers from premature ejaculation if he ejaculates before his partner achieves orgasm in more than fifty percent of his sexual encounters. Premature ejaculation affects 25%-40% of men. Premature ejaculation is characterized by a lack of voluntary control over ejaculation.
Sex researchers have defined premature ejaculation as occurring if the man ejaculates within two minutes or less of penetration. The definition, however, is not that straightforward. Once thought to be purely psychological, experts now know that biological factors also play an important role in premature ejaculation and that in some men; premature ejaculation is also related to erectile dysfunction. A survey conducted by Doctor Alfred Kinsey in the 1950s demonstrated that three quarters of men ejaculated within two minutes of penetration in over half of their sexual encounters. The good news is that premature ejaculation cures are available everywhere you look, but making an informed decision is the most important thing when choosing a method for premature ejaculation. Today, most sex therapists understand premature ejaculation as occurring when a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners.
A very simple way to delay Premature Ejaculation is the squeeze technique. The squeeze technique involves halting stimulation just before orgasm. You or your partner places a thumb on the frenulum (the connecting skin at the tip and right under the head of the penis) and applies pressure to the head of the penis with the other fingers. Hold the squeeze until the urge to ejaculate subsides. Then you can go on having sex and repeat the process until you actually want to ejaculate.

Most of the men suffering from premature ejaculation will greatly benefit from reducing the stimulation they experience during sex and there are already a number of creams available on the market to help reducing premature ejaculation. These creams can partially anesthetize the penis and reduce the stimulation that leads to orgasm. Another option is to use one or more condoms. However, these techniques may interfere with the pleasure experienced during sex and so defeat the purpose of this technique.
The stop technique for premature ejaculation is very similar to the squeeze technique because it involves reaching the point of orgasm and then halting the whole thing. The stop technique requires only that stimulation stop. Stop technique for premature ejaculation does not need applying of pressure to any part of penis. After the stimulation has stopped and the urge to orgasm fades, resume sex and repeat the process. But these techniques takes a good control and concentration to hold back premature ejaculation.
Another thing you can try is erectile dysfunction exercises. Most men overlook this muscle and never bother to keep it in shape, yet by learning to control it, you can rid yourself of premature ejaculation and learn to ejaculate when and only when you want to. These exercises are meant to train your pubococcygeus muscle, which is the very muscle that controls ejaculation and urination.